Faith Formation

bible_crossAs Catholics we are a pilgrim people on a life-long journey of conversion in which we individually and as a community are formed more and more into the image and likeness of God.  It is a journey that for many of us begins with our parents’ decision to have us baptized into the faith.  The journey then continues on through our youth with the preparation for First Eucharist and later Confirmation.

Our formation in the faith, however, doesn’t end with our youth.  There is an old joke that asks the question, “If Jesus played with the children and taught the adults, then why does the Church teach the children and play with the adults?”

The human person is created to know, love and serve God. The Church tells us “All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and his Church…” (Canon 748)

Our prayer lives accomplish two purposes. First, they assist us to develop our relationship with God and fall in love with Him. Furthermore, the spiritual life gives us fuel to be servants in the midst of the world.

St. Louis Parish offers numerous opportunities for you to grow in your spiritual life such as scripture studies, different Parish Ministries, prayers, social justice, etc.